Tuesday, May 23, 2006

::Eniyan soro.......::

"You laughed and talked together,believing that they are just who you think they are....you shared your sorrow and happiness with them,without realising that it's all fake!"

Human beings, you can never figure them out no matter how you try, they always surprise you at the end, and they always make you know that God is wonderful, I watched a movie, and a man said "ore korikosun ko si mo laye...ore aba n jeun lo wa!" and that is the fact. Friends are suppose to be trusted protect you when you are in trouble, friends are suppose to make you happy when the world makes you sad and depressed, friends are suppose to be by your side in need and in deed.... but no, your friends are just pretenders like tides of life they flow in your life when you are happy and flow out immediately trouble knocks at your door.... hmm....this is life.... who do you trust? I trust in God He wont pretend to love me because he will forgive me of all my mistakes and helps me when i am in need.... I love HIM solely because I have learnt my lessons with friends its better you are on your own than gather empty friends with no interests of you in their hearts..... so help me God!
